SAT Solar Swiss AG

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Name Value
Name SAT Solar Swiss AG
Cat Solar
Product Installation Starting Date"Installation Starting Date" is not in the list (mobility, E-mobility, Crystalline modules, Building integrated solutions (BIPV), PV, ST, Absorbers, Law, Certification, Standards, ...) of allowed values for the "Product" property.,On-Grid / Off-Grid"On-Grid / Off-Grid" is not in the list (mobility, E-mobility, Crystalline modules, Building integrated solutions (BIPV), PV, ST, Absorbers, Law, Certification, Standards, ...) of allowed values for the "Product" property.,Installation size"Installation size" is not in the list (mobility, E-mobility, Crystalline modules, Building integrated solutions (BIPV), PV, ST, Absorbers, Law, Certification, Standards, ...) of allowed values for the "Product" property.,Operating Area"Operating Area" is not in the list (mobility, E-mobility, Crystalline modules, Building integrated solutions (BIPV), PV, ST, Absorbers, Law, Certification, Standards, ...) of allowed values for the "Product" property.,Panel Suppliers"Panel Suppliers" is not in the list (mobility, E-mobility, Crystalline modules, Building integrated solutions (BIPV), PV, ST, Absorbers, Law, Certification, Standards, ...) of allowed values for the "Product" property.,Inverter Suppliers"Inverter Suppliers" is not in the list (mobility, E-mobility, Crystalline modules, Building integrated solutions (BIPV), PV, ST, Absorbers, Law, Certification, Standards, ...) of allowed values for the "Product" property.,
streetAddress Bahnhofstrasse 20a, CH-8272, Ermatingen, TG
has_location_city None
has_location_country None
has_coordinates The following coordinate was not recognized: None.The following coordinate was not recognized: None.
Photo None.png
source enfcompany