BeXema GmbH

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Name Value
Name BeXema GmbH
Cat Solar
Product Energy storage systems for commercial and industrial applications"Energy storage systems for commercial and industrial applications" is not in the list (mobility, E-mobility, Crystalline modules, PV, ST, Absorbers, Law, Certification, Standards, Institution, ...) of allowed values for the "Product" property.,Uninterruptible power supply systems (UPS)"Uninterruptible power supply systems (UPS)" is not in the list (mobility, E-mobility, Crystalline modules, PV, ST, Absorbers, Law, Certification, Standards, Institution, ...) of allowed values for the "Product" property.,EPC contracting/project development for energy storage systems"EPC contracting/project development for energy storage systems" is not in the list (mobility, E-mobility, Crystalline modules, PV, ST, Absorbers, Law, Certification, Standards, Institution, ...) of allowed values for the "Product" property.,Power electronics for storage systems,
streetAddress 39179 Magdeburg - Barleben, Germany
has_location_city None
has_location_country None
has_coordinates The following coordinate was not recognized: None.The following coordinate was not recognized: None.
Photo None.png