Property:Is acronym for

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 Is acronym for-Is acronym forAllows value"Allows value" is a predefined property that can define a list of permissible values to restrict value assignments for a property and is provided by Semantic MediaWiki.
ADAAdvanced Distribution AutomationAdvanced Distribution Automation
ADMAdvanced Distribution ManagementAdvanced Distribution Management
AEEGAutorità per l’energia elettrica e il gasAutorità per l’energia elettrica e il gas
AMAir mass (solar energy)Air mass (solar energy)
AMRAutomatic meter readingAutomatic meter reading
AUAutorizzazione UnicaAutorizzazione Unica
BDEWBundesverband der Energie- und WasserwirtschaftBundesverband der Energie- und Wasserwirtschaft
BipvBuilding integrated productsBuilding integrated products
BIPVBuilding-integrated photovoltaicsBuilding-integrated photovoltaics
CdSCadmium sulphideCadmium sulphide
CdTeCadmium tellurideCadmium telluride
CICCovered interconnected cellsCovered interconnected cells
CPVConcentrated photovoltaicConcentrated photovoltaic
CSPConcentrated solar powerConcentrated solar power
DIADenuncia di inizio attività in ediliziaDenuncia di inizio attività in edilizia
EECEuropean Energy CentreEuropean Energy Centre
EIPVElectronic integrated and electronic portable power productsElectronic integrated and electronic portable power products
ENEuropean standardEuropean standard
EPCEngineering Procurement and ConstructionEngineering Procurement and Construction
EpoaSolar irradiance incident on the moduleSolar irradiance incident on the module
EVAEthylene-vinyl acetateEthylene-vinyl acetate
FFFüllfaktor (Solarzelle)Füllfaktor (Solarzelle)
FITFeed-in tariffFeed-in tariff
HCPVTHigh Concentration Photovoltaic & ThermalHigh Concentration Photovoltaic & Thermal
HITHeterojunction with Intrinsic Thin-layerHeterojunction with Intrinsic Thin-layer
HppHydro Power PlantsHydro Power Plants
HVDCHigh-voltage direct currentHigh-voltage direct current
IAFRImpianti Alimentati dalle Fonti RinnovabiliImpianti Alimentati dalle Fonti Rinnovabili
IEC 62056Companion Specification for Energy MeteringCompanion Specification for Energy Metering
ImpMaximum power currentMaximum power current
ImppMaximum power currentMaximum power current
KEVKostendeckenden EinspeisevergütungKostendeckenden Einspeisevergütung
KTIKommission für Technologie und InnovationKommission für Technologie und Innovation
LCOELevelized Cost of EnergyLevelized Cost of Energy
L CTThermal Capture LossesThermal Capture Losses
MLPMModule Level Power ManagementModule Level Power Management
MPPMaximum Power PointMaximum Power Point
MPPTMaximum power point trackingMaximum power point tracking
NIALMSNon-Intrusive Appliance Load MonitoringNon-Intrusive Appliance Load Monitoring
OEMOriginal equipment manufacturerOriginal equipment manufacturer
O&MOperation and maintenanceOperation and maintenance
OMSOutage management systemOutage management system
OPVOrganic photovoltaicOrganic photovoltaic
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