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luasql = require("luasql.postgres")

envv = assert (luasql.postgres())

local bodge = require "Module:gtable" local p = {}

function test(text)

local r = 'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa' return r end

function my_query(res, par, filter, limit)

if par == nil then par = "dcterms:subject" end
if filter == nil then filter = "[^a-z A-Z 0-9]*" end
if limit == nil then limit = "" end
local r = [[
PREFIX dcterms: <>
PREFIX dcterms: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX dbpprop: <>
PREFIX foaf: <>
PREFIX dpb: <>
PREFIX dbpedia: <>
SELECT distinct  ?subject  ?name ?dbppropname ?rdfslabel ?page
        ?subject  ]]..par..[[   <]]..res..[[>.
        OPTIONAL { ?subject rdfs:label ?rdfslabel . 
                  FILTER (LANG(?rdfslabel) = 'en' || LANG(?rdfslabel) = 'it' ) .} 
        OPTIONAL { ?subject dbpprop:name ?dbppropname . }
        OPTIONAL { ?subject foaf:name ?name . }
        OPTIONAL { ?subject foaf:isPrimaryTopicOf  ?page . }
      } ]]..limit 
return r


function my_query_sub(res, par, filter, limit)

if par == nil then par = "dcterms:subject" end
if filter == nil then filter = "[^a-z A-Z 0-9]*" end
if limit == nil then limit = "" end
local r = [[
PREFIX dcterms: <>
PREFIX dcterms: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX dbpprop: <>
PREFIX foaf: <>
PREFIX dpb: <>
PREFIX dbpedia: <>
PREFIX onto: <>
PREFIX owl: <>
SELECT distinct *
        OPTIONAL { dbpedia:]] .. res .. [[ owl:sameAs ?resource .}
        OPTIONAL { dbpedia:]] .. res .. [[ rdfs:label ?rdfslabel . 
                  FILTER (LANG(?rdfslabel) = 'en' || LANG(?rdfslabel) = 'it' ) .} 
        OPTIONAL { dbpedia:]] .. res .. [[ dbpprop:name ?dbppropname . }
        OPTIONAL { dbpedia:]] .. res .. [[ foaf:name ?name . }
        OPTIONAL { dbpedia:]] .. res .. [[ foaf:isPrimaryTopicOf  ?page . }
      } ]]..limit 
return r

end -- ]].. pipe..pipe [[ LANG(?label_en) = 'it' ) --local simb = frame:preprocess( "" )

function p.table(frame)

   local ep = frame.args.endpoint
   if ep == nil then 
      ep = ""
   local filter = frame.args.filter
   if  filter == nil then  filter = "[^a-z A-Z 0-9]*" end
   local limit =  frame.args.limit
   if  limit == nil then limit =  "limit 100" end
   local resource  = frame.args.resource
   if  resource   == nil then  resource =  nil end
   local par = frame.args.par 
   if  par == nil then  
       par = "dcterms:subject"
   local debug = frame.args.debug
   if debug == nil then
       notrace  = "yes" 
   else notrace = "no"

   local format = "WIKITABLE"
   local cat =
    local query = 
  if cat == nil then
   query = my_query(resource, par,filter,limit)
   query = my_query_sub(resource, par,filter,limit)
   local res = frame:preprocess("{{#gu_gen: sparql|"..ep.."||"..query.."|"..notrace.."|"..format.."||}}")
   res = "res " .. res 
   return res 


function my_sparql_query(text , limit) if limit == nil then limit = "" end local r = text..limit return r end

function p.opendata(frame)

   local ep = frame.args.endpoint
   if  ep  == nil then  ep =  "" end
   local filter = frame.args.filter
   if  filter  == nil then  filter =  "[^a-z A-Z 0-9]*" end
   local limit =  frame.args.limit
   if  limit   == nil then limit =  "limit 100" end
   local resource  = frame.args.resource
   if  resource   == nil then  resource =  nil end
   local par = frame.args.par 
   if  par   == nil then  par =  "dcterms:subject" end
   local debug = frame.args.debug
   if  debug   == nil then  notrace  = "yes" else notrace  = "no" end
   local format = "WIKITABLE"
   local query =  frame.args.query

   local res=frame:preprocess("{{#gu_gen: sparql|"..ep.."| |"..query.."|"..notrace.."|"..format.."||}}")
   return res 


function p.query(frame)

   local t={}
   for n,v in frame:argumentPairs() do table.insert (t,{n,v}) end
   table.sort (t,comp)
   r = '{|class="wikitable sortable"\n!name!!value\n'
   for i,nv in ipairs(t) do r = r..'|-\n|'..nv[1]..'||'..nv[2]..'\n' end
   r =  [[
        PREFIX skos: <>
        PREFIX dcterms: <>
        PREFIX rdfs: <>
        PREFIX foaf: <> 
        SELECT distinct  ?label_en ?page
        WHERE { ?subject  ]]..  frame.args.par ..  [[ <]]..frame.args.res.. [[>.
        FILTER (REGEX(?subject, ']] .. frame.args.filter .. [[')) . 
        <]].. frame.args.res .. [[>  rdfs:label ?label  . 
        FILTER (LANG(?label) = 'en') .
        ?subject rdfs:label ?label_en .
        FILTER (LANG(?label_en) = 'en' || LANG(?label_en) = 'it' ) .
        OPTIONAL {
        ?subject  foaf:isPrimaryTopicOf  ?page . }} ]] ..frame.args.limit
   return r


return p